Use Your Adversity to Your Advantage & Step Out of Line

"When life gives you lemons, squeeze harder" ~ Dr. Scott Schroeder, Pediatric Pulmonologist. Peri has since lived by this motto told to her at the age of two by Dr. Schroeder, one of the many physicians who saved her life. At the time, Peri was unsure where her life would be headed, considering that she was born with a rare congenital form of Muscular Dystrophy, Nemaline Rod Myopathy. Today, at the age of 23, Peri holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Adelphi University and is currently wrapping up her MBA studies from the same. Besides being a producer, creator, editor, and co-host of the "Team Peri Step Out of Line" podcast, Peri is also an eleven-time half marathoner and has raised $895,608 to date for the nonprofit organization, Chai Lifeline, with Team Peri. When asked whether she has faced adversity, Peri states, "When have I not faced adversity is the question." 


A Girl You Might Know Foundation sat down with Peri to learn more about our intern and how she faces adversity head-on. 


How have you faced adversity in your life, and do you have any tips about overcoming it? 

I have always felt the need to prove my worth and that I deserve a chance. Until I began my podcast, "Team Peri Step Out of Line," in 2020, I did not realize that I no longer needed to prove myself as long as I stuck to my guns. At times, I have difficulty balancing being confident without appearing arrogant. However, only over the past three years have I become self-aware of my worth, and I am attempting not to hide my strengths and talents. My best advice for others is to maximize your potential (as my parents did with me when I was considered a 'lost cause' by a medical 'professional' and had failure to thrive), lean into adversity, and use it to your advantage. Even though the possibility of failure is always at the forefront, it should not be feared. It is something you have to accept and move on from.


Has fighting the legal battles that you were involved in changed how you go about your life? 

When I was twelve, I gave my first testimony in court. The case involved my family and the zoning board of the Town of Hempstead in New York, in which our neighbors protested against our plans to renovate our house to make it more accessible. As we needed a variance to build our extension, we had to have a hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was to the benefit of my family vs. the detriment of the community in having the variance granted. In response, I delivered a speech to the board to justify how the extension would improve my quality of life. We won the case. 


I agreed in 2020 to participate in Not Dead Yet v. Cuomo, later renamed Not Dead Yet v. Hochul. In this case, I and other "Chronic Ventilator Users" challenged the New York State Department of Health Ventilator Allocation Guidelines, which had been established due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the guidelines, when an emergency arises and a shortage occurs, ventilators can be reallocated to those deemed with a higher chance of surviving COVID through the use of a ventilator. As such, ventilators can be removed from chronic vent-dependent patients (like myself) when they enter a hospital setting. The case was not accepted by the courts and was dismissed due to the fact that the state to date never authorized the reallocation of a ventilator but refused to change the verbiage of the guidelines. While an appeal was filed at the end of 2022, no further updates about the case are known.


I understand what it is like to lose everything in a blink of an eye, and how to fight what sometimes seems like an impossible uphill battle. It changes your mindset and makes you want to keep pushing forward and seeking justice for what is right and what you deserve. I would clearly do the same for others.


How do you stay creative in times of adversity?

I will admit it is quite the task. I tend to portray my most authentic self and attempt not to put on any airs. Technology has allowed me to hide my youth and physical challenges during my teenage years. From college on, I have become aware that I am being taken more seriously, and I no longer have to be afraid or hide my intelligence and creativity because of my age and physical disability. I use my podcast to share different aspects of myself and my story. I channel my creativity by sharing my voice through storytelling and documenting the journeys of unique individuals who continuously color outside the lines of the norm and who have since all played a significant role in my life. The concept of creativity is multifaceted, from podcasting and creating educational videos about DEI matters to filming slightly chaotic but lighthearted TikToks and day-in-the-life content to share my story as well as the message inspired by Alex Borstein to "Step Out of Line." While I strive to curate authentic content, I sometimes need to step back and take a break in order to focus on getting through whatever life throws my way.


While going after your dreams, did you ever feel that you lost a part of yourself, lost sight of your goals and/or dreams, or went against your core values?

I was approached about a year ago about joining a new nonprofit venture whose mission I initially supported. Eventually, I realized I was losing sight of my goals and going against my core values, so I stepped down, and shortly after, the Team Peri Foundation was born. In July 2023, I will launch the Team Peri Foundation to focus on disability inclusion and DEI efforts. The mission of Team Peri is to improve accessibility beyond ADA standards by addressing barriers to access with an emphasis on international and domestic travel. Through DEI speaking engagements led by myself and various experts in the field and working directly with brands to improve their overall accessibility, we will also help bring the issue of inclusion and diversity to the table for discussion and into the forefront. Having spent what felt like endless hours, days, and nights in and out of hospitals throughout my life, I always knew that starting my own foundation was something I needed to do. As I understand that my life may be shorter than others, I started making my mark on the world at the age of nine by fundraising for Chai Lifeline and will continue to do so through my upcoming endeavors and staying true to myself.


What is your take on inclusion and diversity in the workplace/society? 

All I ever wanted is a seat at the table. All I need is one chance to prove that I 'belong,' and I will show you everything I have got and what I am made of. Knowing how it feels to feel excluded, alone, or worse yet, on the outside looking in is something I can relate to. At times, I wish I was 'normal,' and things were easier so that I would not constantly encounter so many obstacles. However, I see my scars, my daily pain, and my 'differences' as my driving force. 


The world was not built for someone like me. There is always room for improvement in terms of inclusion and diversity. Normalize the word ‘disability,’ as it is not a derogatory term, and accept that everyone deserves the right to be who they are and as they are. Everyone should be presented with equal opportunities despite their unique circumstances. Accommodations can be made, and barriers to access can be solved collectively


What is one thing you wish people knew about you that they wouldn't ordinarily see/hear at first glance?

That I am cognitively 'all there,' and what might come as a surprise to most, I have a personality. I can be relatively sarcastic, sassy and often use self-deprecating humor to get through life. I am not afraid to fight for what is right and take down anyone who stands in the way of my goals and dreams. Do not underestimate me. I am tougher than I look


When you were ten years old, what profession did you see yourself in? 

Becoming a lawyer and advocating for disability rights or a child life specialist.


Now for some rapid-fire questions with Peri:

Podcasts or Playlists 

Podcasts all the way 

Movies or Books

Both! Actually, plan on writing my own book one day…

Leader or Follower


Optimist or Pessimist

I define myself as an [realistic] optimist

Fit In or Stand Out

Stand out, as let's face it, it is unrealistic for me to 'fit in.' 

Planner or Go With the Flow

Planner all the way. We don't plan to fail. We fail to plan. Always have a backup to your backup plans and be ready to pivot at a moment's notice.

Goal Setter or Dreamer

Both! I also consider myself a pragmatist with a certain level of jadedness, so sometimes that causes my dreams and goals to be obscured.


We are so excited to have Peri as an intern for A Girl You Might Foundation for the final semester of her MBA studies. Be sure to visit for more information on Team Peri, follow Peri and Team Peri so that you can follow her journey, and subscribe to the "Team Peri Step Out of Line" podcast, which featured our leader and founder, CHEVAL, in 2020. 


This girl surely knows how to Step Out of Line.


XO – A Girl You Might Know Foundation


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